Skinny Bottle aims to produce high quality products which meet your needs. We believe we achieve this most of the time: if we are not getting it right please let us know.

7 day return policy prior to the original packaging with all seals unbroken; Skinny Bottle shall, at its option, replace the defective Products, or refund the price of the defective Products in full.

You must send the items back to the following address.
Suite 9, Westleigh House Hub, Wakefield Road, Denby Dale, Huddersfield, HD8 8QJ

If the refund is granted it will take 3 to 5 business working days to go back into the same account the products was paid with.

In order to ensure our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a procedure through which you can let us know of for any reason you are not satisfied with your dealings with the organisation.

If you are not happy with Skinny Bottle please let us know if you are unhappy about any our service or product, please speak to the relevant staff member. Often we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.